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BulletProof Coffee and A Pressed Juicery Giveaway!

August 28, 2013

This morning, I tried something new…BulletProof Coffee.  Ever heard of it?  Well, it is all the rage right now in the Paleo/Primal/CrossFit world and I’ve been having a really tough time getting my butt out of bed in the mornings, so I decided “Why not??”

BP Coffee

I didn’t get fancy with this stuff because it was my first time trying and I am one to approach things scientifically.  I decided that I needed to try it a few times before I become completely obsessed 🙂  Now, I usually don’t drink much coffee as is:  example–I make a cup of coffee in my Keurig, and because K-cups are so damn expensive, I can’t bring myself to toss the half cup or more of coffee that I don’t drink!  So, I put it back in the fridge and on average, it takes me about 3 days to finish an 8 oz cup of coffee 🙂

My First Impressions of BP Coffee:

1.  I drink my coffee black and obviously in small quantities.  This was a very CREAMY consistency and a bit to get used to, but ultimately, I didn’t find it difficult to drink.

2.  I began noticing after only a few sips that I was breathing much better than normal.  Full nasal passageway clearance, cool and clean breaths of air.  This in itself made me feel more invigorated.

3.  I had the coffee 4 hours ago and I’m still feeling clear and energetic.  I’ve also swam 500m and led another group workout session between then and now.  Still chugging along!

4.  I’ll be interested to see if the BP Coffee lets me down easily or if I crash and burn at a certain point.  That would be less than ideal.

All in all…I’m kinda sold.  A few more trial runs will show me whether or not this stuff is for real!

Daily Workouts:

500m swim

**My first triathlon (only a sprint) is on Sunday so I’m starting to lower my swim distances.  Don’t get me wrong, I never worked up past 1100m (the event is only 750m), but I feel I need to keep swimming so I don’t lose my confidence before the big day!**

Group Workout

**I led a modified CrossFit workout because I find that these are the easiest to do in a larger group and allow people to really push themselves or to half-ass it if they wish**

Strength/Skill Portion

6 min EMOM (every minute on the minute)

3 Power Cleans (I used 70#)

3 Hand Stand Push Ups or Wall Walks

(I tried to work on my kip but experienced some shoulder pain so I switched to Wall Walks, which I see marked improvement on!!)

**We split into 2 groups, one group started on PC and the other on HSPU.  Do 3 reps and then switch exercises for the next minute until 6 minutes are up.  You should do 9 reps total of each exercise)

METCON Portion

3 rounds for time:

8 Turkish Get-Ups (20# then 15#)

8 Hand-Release Push-Ups

8 Jumping lunges

8 Hollow Rocks

600 m run

**From the TGU through the Run is 1 round.  Repeat 3 times.  We were going to go for 4 but we were all feeling this workout and running out of time.  Butt-kicker for sure!**

For breakfast I tried the newest Love Grown Foods product!! Shhh, it’s a secret 🙂 I’ll have a product review posted for you later 😉  Needless to say, I love that company and I LOVE their products!!

love grown oats

And finally, there is an AWESOME giveaway on Roost Blog, check it out!

Have you ever tried a craze diet or food type?  What was it?  Did it live up to its legend?


6 Comments leave one →
  1. mom permalink
    August 28, 2013 6:57 pm

    can’t wait to try BP coffee!!!

  2. August 29, 2013 1:32 am

    Good luck on your first tri. I used to do them all the time, but did my first one in 5 years this last Sunday and had SO MUCH FUN. You are going to love it 🙂

  3. September 4, 2013 4:46 am

    Did you actually order the Upgraded Coffee? It’s a night and day difference. I have been doing BP coffee daily for the last 45 days and it’s night and day difference.

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