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WLC Day 10

March 7, 2013

I have to say, this challenge is getting easier and easier by the day…I think the Napa trip may screw up the rhythm I’ve got going on, but that’s alright.  You’ve gotta lean with the punches, right??  This morning started on a good note!  Up and at em’ at 5AM…just like the good ol’ days :0)  Beau was whining near the side of the bed, my bladder was a’screamin’ and the alarm clock a’ringin’…that combination did it!

I went about my normal morning routine: disable alarm, feed Beau, try not to walk into a wall in the process.  Beau acted like he was starved!!  Poor bugger.  We normally feed him at 6AM, but I will splurge at 5 if I’m up.  He usually doesn’t even bother to eat until about 9AM, but today he must have been famished!  He gobbled that food up as I was setting it down.  As I walked back into the room to get dressed for CrossFit, Hubby asks, “Did you feed Beau?”  and extremely proud of myself I reply, “I sure did!”  He sleep-laughs (like a patient in a coma involuntarily burping or something) and says, “I fed him at 4:30AM when I let him out.”  THAT RASCAL!!  He sure done tricked me 😉


But how can you be mad at that cute face??  I wasn’t, just amazed at how much he loves his new food!  I got dressed, drank my black coffee and put it in my travel mug, ate three dates filled with my homemade almond butter while indulging in a little Cougar Town.  I don’t know  why I like the show actually…it is pretty stupid.  I think I’m trying to fill the void left by watching Friends re-runs 🙂  And I love to watch it when working out or up early because Hubby hates it.   Haha, and rightly so!

CrossFit was AWESOME!  The Wednesday AM class is so lively and full…I actually thought I was in a timewarp afternoon class.  I cranked out the WOD and was pretty proud of my reps!  I really didn’t rest much at all unless you count rechalking my hands during my 6th-8th rounds.

Wednesday WOD

EMOM for 8 min


B: on the even minutes: 3 HSPU negatives (5 seconds down),

on the odd minutes: 10 sit ups

AMRAP 12 minutes

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 squats

30 sec plank hold

I made it through 8 rounds and then 19 more reps of pull ups, push ups and squats combined.  And before I forget, if any HBs are reading this, THANK YOU FOR YOUR READERSHIP AND SUPPORT!! 😉

Drank a quick banana, egg white, cinnamon, almond butter and coconut milk smoothie (I split with Hubs) while getting ready and off to work!

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I took some supplements when I got to work.  In fairly clockwise order: Zyrtec (for the damn eye itching), Kelp (because I have it and am trying to get rid of it…full of iodine and great for thyroid stimulation if you have issues), SolRay Vit D3 (5000 mg…seems to be keeping my mood fairly stable during these dark winter months), Prenatal (a point of contention here…recommended to me for low iron but apparently regular multi vites have more?  Also good for my hair growing effort!), Nordic Naturals Lemon Fish Oil (it sounds gross, but burping is nice and lemony!) and lastly Digestive Enzymes (Helps to get you back on track when you fall off the “regularity” wagon).  It looks like a lot, and it is.  Ideally, I would only take the prenatal, D3 and fish oil, but like I said, I have a bunch of random herbal supplements that I am trying to get rid of to simplify my vitamin cabinet 🙂

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Standard breakfast of 2 HBE and grapefruit/orange/blueb mixture!  I cut the oranges and grapefruit myself in advance vice purchasing them canned or in syrup.  SO juicy!

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2 hrs later, a snack of deli meat with guac.  Love this combo!

We had group fitness and I considered running, but am trying not to workout too hard (don’t want to overdo it) so I power walked at 15% incline and 4 mph.  I did this for 30 min and alternated  holding on to the machine and walking hands free.  It was tough!  I certainly broke a sweat 🙂  I hurried home to prep the next night’s meal (Beef Bourginion) because I wanted to be able to pop it in the crock pot in the AM…AND we had dinner plans with our fantastic friends Rebecca and Bryan.

We dined at (forgive the photos…you’ve heard my rants about restaurant lighting!) Meadowlark!  I’ve been wanting to go here ever since our Real Estate agent told us about it while we were house hunting.  It lived up to its expectations 🙂

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We started with these amazing “Bar Nuts”…I ordered a second round for the house!

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Hubby had the Hangar Steak with Bearnaise Sauce, fried potatoes and broccolini.

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And I had the Monkfish in Butter White Wine Sauce, and a double serving of broccolini.

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It was fantastic and they said it was gluten free; however, I did get some tummy problems though…I think someone may have made a mistake???  I came home and put a heating pad on my tummy and that seemed to help a bit.  I was able to keep the whole dish PALEO too!!  I was so proud…the wine was so tempting 🙂

Have you ever been accidentally glutenized at a restaurant?  I work so hard to make them understand my needs, and yet I still find myself getting duped! Ba humbug!



8 Comments leave one →
  1. March 7, 2013 1:00 pm

    Do you have a type of digestive enzymes you recommend?

    • March 7, 2013 7:31 pm

      Hmmm, well I used to have one I took all the time but have since stopped since I now have no bathroom issues. The brand I currently have is NOW brand?? You are supposed to take the enzymes with each meal to aid with digestion but I just take one in the mornings now. If you go to a vitamin or supplement store the employees there may have better knowledge of different brands. I go to the Vitamin Shoppe because they know everything about everything in the store!!!

  2. March 10, 2013 7:17 pm

    Accidental glutinization happens all the time at restaurants I’m sure! People who aren’t “gluten aware” really have no idea all the seemingly harmless places it can hide… like salad dressing, meat sauce or even a clear looking glaze! I’ve found they pay a little more attention to the fine details if you tell them you have a gluten allergy, however the downside of that can be the server just telling you that they can’t guarentee anything is gluten free and you end up ordering a plain old salad :p oh… I’ve been there… haha! We pay a price sometimes when all we are doing is looking out for our own health and well-being.

  3. Jennifer permalink
    March 20, 2013 10:48 pm

    Been glutenized several times!!!! It’s frustrating, I really try to be careful but many restaurant employees are not properly trained when it comes to allergies and intolerance : (

    • March 20, 2013 11:52 pm

      Jennifer, I feel your pain! I don’t trust anyone at restaurants anymore unless it is the manager. I also will ask trick questions to see how much they really know 😉

  4. Jennifer permalink
    March 20, 2013 10:50 pm

    I also went to a restaurant where they said nothing was gluten free and it was a nice restaurant, really disappointing…..

    • March 20, 2013 11:54 pm

      That is a huge bummer! Most nice restaurants are a huge gold mine for GF eating! Sorry about your experience 😦

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