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The Long Run.

March 1, 2013

Every Saturday, or most at least, my friend Dani and I meet at 8AM for a long run.  I’m training for a half marathon in late April and I’m building up my distance base.  I must say, since starting CrossFit, my legs don’t feel tired nearly as much as I expected them to.  I can tell I’m getting stronger and my endurance is getting even better than it already was.  I can run faster without really feeling it at all.  Basically, thank you CrossFit for improving my running!

I chowed down a banana with almond butter to be sure I had enough fuel for our 9 miler and had some black coffee to get the engines started 😉  We met at Up and Running in Centerville to head out with the run group.  Dani and I usually run together because we are about the same pace.  We found this adorable park filled with geese and decided to take a loop through it as well.  Photo op!

When we got back from the run, I became freezing!  It was 31 degrees outside, so I guess I had a reason for being cold.  I raced home to stretch by the fire and wait for the wonderful hubby to whip up something delicious for breakfast!  What was on the menu?

Scrambled eggs with leftover flank steak and bell peppers and topped with avocado.  This kept me full for hours!  As a treat, a spiced up coconut water beverage.

Hubby juiced a lime and a cucumber and mixed them with coconut water.  AMAZING!  And so refreshing!  I’m going to have him do a post on juicing in the next week or so because he has some great combos!

This guy was a cutie patootie as well!

We love his eyebrows 🙂 Talk about the classic sad puppy face!

Love you Beaubie!

We spent the rest of the afternoon running errands.  For a snack??

So good…too much sugar though (from dates, not artificial)!

For lunch??

The Power Hummus Bowl off of Panera’s Hidden Menu!  Very good 🙂

Hubby and I spent most of lunch playing each other in Quizboard.  Fun trivia!

Later, I went to Girl’s Night with the ladies from Centerville Crossfit!  These girls are SOOOO fun and know how to throw a party in style!


Lovely ladies!


Cutest cupcakes 🙂 Those are pink fondant kettlebells on top!

What a fun day!  I was pooped at the end of it though 🙂 And rightly so!

What is your favorite weekend composition?  Restful and productive? Fun and crazy?  Adventures and exploring? I tend to prefer restful and productive for a weekend.  I love the other types for longer vacations 🙂  And if you didn’t read the updated version of my last post, please be sure you check it out for the Giveaway Winners!



7 Comments leave one →
  1. March 2, 2013 1:17 pm

    sounds like an awesome day! uhhhh you just got me so excited about that panera menu, because what you ordered is exactly something id get. larabars are amazing! buuttt i agree, way to sweet for a quick snack!

    • March 2, 2013 4:15 pm

      The Panera menu is very good 🙂 a lot of places still aren’t up to speed but the managers all know!! I need to kick my larabar addiction 🙂 or only start eating half at a time!!!

  2. March 2, 2013 10:03 pm

    I was just wondering how you are feeling doing a lower carb diet and running long. Im slowly transitioning to a pale-based diet (not sure how I feel about totally giving up dairy, we shall see) but worry about recovery from longer workouts. Any insight?

    • March 2, 2013 11:01 pm

      Annie, I’ve found that I have even more energy without processed carbs in my diet. I’m still getting carbohydrates, but in more complex and pure forms, like sweet potatoes, etc. I also get a ton of energy from dates with almond butter, bananas with almond butter and the egg white smoothies I’ve been making and consuming before my workouts. I feel much less bloated and we all know how fun it is to run with a bloated belly 🙂 If you don’t have problems with dairy, then don’t worry about giving it up, but if you think that it is causing you problems, I can almost guarantee that it is. I never thought that greek yogurt was causing me problems, but after eliminating it from my diet, I’ve found that I feel much better without it.

  3. March 3, 2013 9:07 pm

    Thanks for the advice. I feel like my body is one giant science experiment right now. Less running, started cross fit, taking a more paleo approach to my diet, no sugar or sweeteners right now…I will probably try a totally paleo diet for a few weeks, or maybe the 21 day sugar detox and Im just trying to see how I might feel as a cardio addict! Thanks!

    • March 3, 2013 9:46 pm

      Annie, you’re talking to a cardio addict! I have to admit, it took a bit of an adjustment to drop my running mileage below 30 miles a week. However, my body doesn’t seem to notice. I’ve been able to tone areas I never knew I had!! When I do run, I keep it between 4-6 miles and I keep it fast. That gets me my fix and I don’t feel irritated that my workout takes longer than an hour like it used to when all I did was cardio. For anything longer than 6 miles I need a running buddy to keep me entertained :-). And I love the crossfit community. It has been the most amazingly accepting group!

      • March 3, 2013 10:59 pm

        Thanks, thats good to hear. I actually recently decided (well, my IT band decided) that 6 miles is about my limit anyway. So my concerns may not actually matter anyway, but its nice to hear other’s experiences when switching exercise modes and nutrition goals. Thanks so much, keep up the great work!

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