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September 24, 2010

Ouch…yup, drank too much wine. Having a wine headache is the worst and every time it happens, I think to myself, “Why do I enjoy wine?” I’ve seriously considered not drinking many a time, but after a while I think, “But what about moderation?” Ahhh yes, moderation…what is that exactly??

Here are the reasons I dislike alcohol in general:

1. I tend to overeat when I have a drink
2. I tend to get emotional when I have a drink
3. I almost always get a headache, regardless of the amount
4. My workouts the next day are never as good as they could have been
5. It makes me tired
6. It makes me lazy

Reasons I enjoy drinking a glass or two here or there:
1. It is a fun social aspect
2. It makes you feel nice and warm
3. It is a nice way to relax and unwind

Seeing as my list of dislikes outnumber my likes, why do I have such an issue saying, “No thanks, I’ll have a water” :-)??

My sister and I both had more than we bargained for, so we needed a bit of a detox ๐Ÿ™‚ Nothing like a Green Monster to help with that! Even better, a Peanut Butter and Chocolate GM!

Peanut Butter Chocolate GM (for 2)
– 2 scoops Amazing Grass Vanilla Chai Protein
– 2 scoops cocoa powder
– 3 handfuls of ice
– 2 whole bananas, froxen
– 1 cup grapes
– 2 cups spinach/kale
– 2 scoops peanut flour
– 1.5 cups of almond milk

BLEND!!!! Soooo good. Even Hubby liked it ๐Ÿ™‚

Later on, I had another delish, raw snack…hummus and veggies!

I love how Sabra makes these individual serving cups…keeps the hummus fresher longer ๐Ÿ™‚

My tummy was loving me after these beauties!

What do you do to detox? Do you drink alcohol? How often?

17 Comments leave one →
  1. September 24, 2010 1:12 pm

    I don’t drink often — maybe 1-2 drinks per week. I know what you mean though, sometimes in certain settings I will have WAY too many drinks and end up overeating and feeling bad about myself. So more often than not I choose to be the sober cab (even if no one else is really drinking much) — I just stick with water or 1 glass of wine. I can drink a mixed drink or a beer in no time, but wine I tend to drink very very slowly.

    • September 24, 2010 1:19 pm

      I don’t drink much either but when i do i feel terrible!!

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  2. September 24, 2010 1:56 pm

    Oh man, I HATE how alcohol makes me feel… and I don’t even get bad hangovers usually (I drink a LOT of water with the booze), but the productivity of the next day is just shot. My workouts, my energy level, my motivation – all totally diluted the next day. Not to mention the bad food choices!! gah.

    I try to only drink once a week, and keep it reasonable when I do… but unfortunately for my whole group of friends it’s still just a given for weekends, and pretty hard to avoid.

    Green monsters are a great post-drinking detox. Way better than greasy eggs or pancakes ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • September 24, 2010 2:05 pm

      Lauren, i feel the same way! When my family comes to town we love to drink wine together…bad habit!

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  3. September 24, 2010 1:57 pm

    I drank too much wine once…that’s all it took, one night of the room spinning, and I have never really wanted white wine again. Oh my gosh, I felt awful. Now, I just stick to water, although I do love a good amaretto sour on occasion. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • September 24, 2010 2:06 pm

      Heather, i’ve been there before. I was off the wine for about 5 months, then back on the bandwagon! Need to find the motivation an clarity to say no!

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  4. September 24, 2010 3:09 pm

    oh man, Im with you on getting too emotional. Thats me to a tee.

    • September 24, 2010 3:16 pm

      Isn’t it strange how we all have our typical response?? Some people get angry…I’ve never understood that!

  5. Maria @ Kale and Cupcakes permalink
    September 24, 2010 4:09 pm

    To detox, I’ll usually do the same – a healthy shake/smoothie and I’m feeling better! Oh, and lots of rest, too, preferably in the form of laying on the couch with a good movie on. As for alcohol, I drink wine pretty often, but when I do, I don’t drink a ton. It affects me tremendously and the next day I’m just feeling off!

    • September 24, 2010 4:11 pm

      Maria, yay for smoothies! Wine does that to me too. I almost think i should drink it more often so i’m less inclined to indulge and overdo it!

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  6. September 24, 2010 7:04 pm

    I do drink alcohol. I rarely drink at home during week or on weekends when I’m staying at home but I do drink when I go out. I’ve learned to drink in moderation during my 26 years, but still sometimes I do cross the border and suffer terrible hangovers.. but I don’t worry about it too much, it’s very rare and as long as it’s not happen every time it’s fine.

    • September 24, 2010 7:11 pm

      I am the opposite and tend to sip on wine at home on the weekends, but sometimes a glass or two sounds amazing on the weeknight! It seems that the smallest bit makes me feel terrible the next day ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

      Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

  7. September 24, 2010 8:41 pm

    Great detox! Last weekend I had a bit too much to drink with my sister, too. I love how great you feel, though, after you get some good eats and fluids into your system and sweat out the toxins!

  8. September 27, 2010 2:53 pm

    I do drink alcohol but not very often and usually not a large amount. When I do drink more than normal I make sure to drink a lot of water to counter the dehydrating effects of the alcohol.

  9. Jennifer permalink
    November 29, 2010 6:21 pm

    I am now the life time designated driver for my friends when we got out. I can no longer drink any alcohol. I didn’t think I would miss it but I did miss the glass of wine I usually have with Thanksgiving dinner. When I do go out with my friends most of the bartenders are nice to me and will make my glass of ice water festive by putting a lot of fruit in it and an umbrella. It’s the small things that make me glad I live in a small town!!

  10. February 21, 2011 4:50 pm

    What a great & super power energy smoothie!! Yeah!

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